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Below you will see floor-plans for each building and an outside map. Please note the following:
Maps DO NOT reflect real time availability.
If the booths are in green, they are available. If they are in red, they are not. Remember this is true when we posted the maps. Maps are not real time.
To reserve a booth, you must send in a Registration Form
Please contact us for up-to-date availability.

GOODMAN 08152022

CANTEY 08152022

MOORE 08152022

NUTT 08152022

OUTSIDE 08152022
Indoor Booth Info
The Palmetto Sportsmen's Class has over 500 indoor booths available streched over 5 buildings. The majority of these booths are concentrated in the Goodman, Cantey and Moore Buildings. Nutt Cattle Arena showcases our entertainment like Godwin, Raptor Show, and Bass Tub. The Ellison Building is home to our shows biggest sponsor, the SCDNR, and other conservation orginizations.
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