Welcome to the Palmetto Sportsmen's Classic's Vendor Website. We are glad you are visiting!
We are now ending our grandfathering period. On Friday, October 16, any booths that are not grandfathered are open to eligible vendors. Here is the info you need to know:
New vendors and current vendors who wish to move will need to submit a new application (link provided on 10/16/2020)
Please visit Booth Availability (link provided on 10/16/2020)
While filling out the application, please state what booth you wish under "Additional Information".
You may call if you have a question (803) 609-1072. Please note, I can not hold a booth unless an application is submitted. When you submit an application, a timestamp is created and we need that timestamp in order to fill "First Come First Serve".
If you still need to grandfather your booth, please email me so I can send you a direct link: dan@psclassic.com
Stay safe and well! See 'ya at the Classic, 2021!!!