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Non-Outdoor Booth needs to pick from Moore
I received your application, and thank you for your interest in the Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic. As you may or may not know, the PSC is focused on outdoor-related activities, goods, and services.
As of right now, we have hit our limit for NON-Outdoor Related Booths for the Cantey and Goodman Building. You are welcome to look at the Moore Building or Nutt Arena. We have a few booths available there.
Please check out “Booth Availability” and select either the Moore Building or Nutt Arena. Also, note that map may not be up-to-date with the most current info. If you choose a booth that is already taken, I will do my best to put you as close to that booth as I can.
If you are still interested in joining us for 'The Classic', please reply with what booth number you are interested in and I will adjust your application to reflect the change. We will in turn get you signed up and ready to go!
If we do not hear from you in the next 24 hrs, we will assume that you will not be joining us. Thanks
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